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Pursuing Justice on Your Behalf 304-605-2040

5 Birth Injury Questions Answered

Close up of baby feet

Close up of baby feet

Any problem that impacts your child’s health can be concerning. In these cases, it’s understandable that you will have questions about the cause, what happens, and what comes next. Below, we answer common questions about birth injuries, so you know your rights.

  1. What are the Doctor’s Duties During Pregnancy?

During your pregnancy, labor, and delivery, your doctor must take all precautions to ensure you and your baby are safe from harm. This means taking steps to recognize when distress or risk of injury is present. They must also recognize what medications can cause problems and other issues that may arise.

  1. Is Pitocin Safe for Use?

Pitocin may be used when your labor is prolonged and you need help in progressing it. Unfortunately, the improper use of Pitocin can cause significant problems, including risks that can cause harm to you and your baby during labor and delivery. If properly administered, however, it’s a helpful aid.

  1. Should I Have a Cesarean Section?

An emergency cesarean section may be necessary when there are issues present during your pregnancy or labor. If the doctor recognizes distress or the baby is too big for a natural birth, a cesarean section may be used to prevent harm. If a doctor fails to react swiftly, though, they could be liable for any damages that may arise.

  1. Why Must the Doctor Perform Monitoring During Pregnancy?

During your pregnancy, you see your doctor often to ensure you and your baby are safe. Proper monitoring can help identify fetal distress that may indicate a problem such as lack of oxygen. Without monitoring, a doctor may not take the necessary action to prevent your baby from suffering harm.

  1. What if I Disagree with My Doctor’s Birthing Plan?

Doctor’s may create a birthing plan that they feel is right and safest for you and your baby. There are times you may disagree with this. In these cases, you have the right to further discuss the plan with your doctor or get a second opinion to ensure you are comfortable and you and your baby are safe and healthy.

If you or your baby suffer harm because of a doctor’s negligence, our Charleston birth injury attorneys at Berthold Law Firm, PLLC are here for you. Let us be your guide and voice to move forward and pursue justice.

Call our firm today at (304) 605-2040.
